Monday, June 22, 2015

We're From Canada!

Brennen had just finished his martial arts lesson and had insisted on wearing his uniform to the evening's next event - his daycare's annual summer bbq.  As we were late to arrive, we headed straight for the back of the food-line.  Much to Brennen's delight one of his favorite teachers just happened to be standing right in front of us.

"Oh goodness Brennen,” Livy crooned, “look at you!  You are just too cute!  Are you coming from Jujitsu?” she asked.

Before Brennen could speak, his sister did.

"We're not from Jujitsu,” Bronwyn answered firmly, “WE'RE FROM CANADA!"

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love your kids!! And so fitting that you post it exactly a year after it happened!
