Friday, May 15, 2015

Introducing Mommee-Truths!

More than 10 years ago - when I was single, childless, and could type for more than 5 minutes without having to take a break (that's a whole other blog) - someone suggested that I should be blogging.  I guess they felt that the details of my life were blog-worthy.  For whatever reason I never followed through.  Life gets in the way and more than anything I think I was overwhelmed.  I had no idea what blogging was, how to set up a blog, or more importantly, why anyone would want to read about my life!

Well fast-forward to the present.  I'm turning 40 this year, married, have two children (one with special-needs), and I can't type for more than 5 minutes without having to take a break (again, that's a whole other blog).

Over the years I continued to hear from different persons that I should be writing.  So many who have read my writing, or listened to the details of my life have said that it's a story that should be told.  I cannot tell a lie - I am overwhelmed.  You've no idea how long it took me to figure out how to post this blog and I'm still not convinced I've done it properly.  But as they say, 'time is of the essence' and the time is now to share my life lessons and experiences.

I describe myself as a 'Bridget Jones Diary' kind of writer; I write about 'moments', 'instances', 'occurrences', and then I move on to the next.  I write about my family who I think are absolutely hilarious.  They provide me with all of the material for my writing.  Believe me, I couldn't make the stuff up that happens in our daily lives!  And I'm not saying it's always good.  There are a lot of "unfortunate" moments and instances and occurrences.  But they're truths and they're real!

So welcome to Mommee-Truths, where my goal is to share my 'truths' as a mother/wife/woman - good and bad - hopefully making you laugh or at least shake your head in disbelief.

God bless!

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